miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011
Comments to Lucia's post
Carmen, Alfonso y Paula want to transmit the following comments:
_Same people, same information to be transmitted/shared [e.g. PFC vs class session], may require different ways of communication [vertical or horizontal] depending on the moment and the circumstances. Therefore different skills and pieces of information [size, format, media, style, discourse…]
_Vertical and horizontal communication follow different patterns and require different skills. We conclude that we must be fluent in both of them as architects in practice.
_Could we say that the real horizontal communication is only reached once the participants control the vertical communication skills?
_Vertical communication usually implies more prejudices and a one way information exchange, but on the contrary, it is expected to be efficient. There is more transference of information than exchange or interaction. Due to this, it has to be more precise and concise.
_Horizontal communication usually appeals to our common baggage easier than the vertical one. We usually feel more relaxed and confident but it is more open, but we may also appear weaker.
_So, are we more fragile in vertical or horizontal communication?
14th Traning Session held on Tuesday 01/03/2011
Tuesday 1st of March 15.00-16.00
Sala de Proyecciones_ ETSAV
0_MVRDV interview dramatization _7 minutes maximum.
1_Fragile communication_15 minutes + critics and discussion.
2_Critics on Alis project_15 minutes maximum, including written transcription.
About lunch, considering that most of us have no time for lunch, what about if we bring it “discreetly” to the room, try to be clean and feed our bodies and souls equally.
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
presentation: option A
-Parámetros: diferencias culturales, educación, idioma, tipo de información dada, medio, actitud emisor, actitud receptor, tipo de relación emisor-audiencia (horizontal/vertical)...
-Fragilidad/no fragilidad: ser/estar, sentirse, precibir...(hablando no sólo de si nosotros nos sentimos o no frágiles sino también de si la comunicación en sí es frágil y lo que la hace frágil)
"No me cuesta imaginar que habrá muchas propuestas en las que se habla de la fragilidad de los ecosistemas, de la ciudad... ¿qué os parece si siguiéramos un guión similar al que seguiríamos con una propuesta así pero teniendo como tema la comunicación, haciendo una analogía?"
-voy a pensar como sería esto y lo cambio
committee comments
1. identify specific aspects of communication-fragility to focus on
-horizontal communication (eg. Cross national/cultural communication, language, using foreign, second language for communication)
-vertical communication (eg. Communication with the elite, authority… etc) issues
2. explore what aspects of communication made the authors feel especially ‘fragile’
Was it the cross cultural communication (eg. issues around language, mentality, behaviour, gesticulation, body language... etc) that made them feel fragile?
Was it the usage of the foreign language as the means of communication?
Were the power relations (authority) between them and their audience making them feel fragile?
reflecting on the fragility of the designer who finds him/her self with an audience; sharing some tips and trics with the conference audience; ...