Alexandre Chemetoff is a french architect, urban planner and landscape artist, author of the plan for the urban regeneration of the island of Nantes.
To readapt an obsolete industrial area in the middle of the Loira river into city, that was the aim of the plan for the island of Nantes. An original plan for its length (9 months), its scale or its social programme.
The main challenge was to respect the memory of the places, to promote public space by the rivershore and to activate the citizen participation, so they developed the plan in collaboration with a public corporation, the SAMOA (Société d'Aménagement de la Métropole Ouest Atlantique).
As a result, today the district has 18000 inhabitants, 10000 housing units, 16000 jobs and several equipments, such as schools, faculties, and cultural spaces, most of them in former industrial buildings.
"We wanted to find a dialogue with the exisiting, and we found ourshelves making archeology of the future"
Alexandre Chemetoff
- Île de Nantes project webpage
- SAMOA web (Société d'Aménagement de la Métropole Ouest Atlantique)
- The project in the Nantes municipality webpage
- Île de Nantes in Wikipedia