martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


SUMMARY of the last session:

_ presentation for Japanese cultural week.

We have decided the 3 different steps in order to show our aim: be able to have an idea about Japan and Tokyo are/work.

o Japan_scale. We decided make the 8 o’clock scheme in order to explain the most important part of the geography. The main point will be Tokyo in the top of the bay.

o Tokio_natural_system_scale. We need to show how are organized the rivers, lakes, mountains, bays and valleys, in order to understand the creation of the old cities. It is important introduce “hitos” like names, words, or emblematic places to help the audience keeping remember how is made every picture.

o Tokio_city_centre_scale. We focussed the picture in the imperial palace, and try to speak what you are going to find in Tokyo when you visit it. We draw the 3 circles and 7 axis scheme, showing the relation of the city with the bay, and putting emblematic (cultural, architectonic, natural, historical, technological) points on the picture.

We concluded the last session closing the performance-presentation with those 3 scheme/pictures.


SUMMARY of the last session.

The aim of the session was develop the way and the skills those we can count on. And develop a second scheme of the presentation (apart of Japan_scale)

o The first part of the session was based on the skills for representing our presentation

___We found the Japanese paintbrush as a good instrument to define the line-drawing parts and the sponge+ gouache to fill solids. The finger-pointing is going to be used for marking.

o The second part of the session was based on the development of the second scheme.

___We took a metropolitan scale, between the two main rivers of the city and the bay, showing the city centre.

___We found a system of representing the map, after draw the bay, and the 2 main rivers, we marked the “imperial palace”, which is going to be the middle point from we made 3 concentric circles and we also crossed 4 cardinal axes, and 3 diagonal ones, which are the communications to the rest of the country.

___We realized that we need and intermediate scale to show the importance for the city the relation with the mountains and the sea.

___We realized that we need fixed some emblematic points to make easier and more interesting the representation.

___We thought to make some stickers or something similar to mark these points with something on the board/on the picture.

Japanese_scale, trying different skills

metropolitan scale

during the session

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012



the last session was resolved by this scheme:

__ was projected the global image of Japan and we tried to define in a quickly way the country (basically the 4 principal islands) after a short explication of the main cities/ councils/ metropolitan areas/ .../ Right now, we will keep thinking in this way and develop some skills in other to show more with less.

__ the second image was from the metropolitan area of Tokyo. we decided put other bigger scaled to show the context of the bay.

__ need to research the geomorphology of the area (rivers, mountains, valleys, beaches...)

need to research about the historical develop of the city (non-city)

need to research about drawing and graphics resources to present it

the next session is not programmed yet.

see you, keep safe and best wishes.

***some mental notes: scheme of 8.00 o'clock / Tokyo as a middle point of the circle - Japan flag / Tokyo as a middle reference point of the archipelago / 24x26km / south bays-south cities / performing the presentation/ ...
***some images are enclosed